Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Social Networking Sites

Four different social networking sites that I will be comparing are Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and YouTube. All four of these sites may seen different at first, but I believe that they all basically serve the same general purpose, which is to connect. All four of these sites connects the users of these sites in some way, shape, or form. Facebook allows you and your friends, families, and people with the same interest to interact with each other by posting statuses, posting things on your wall or photos so that people can stay connected. Twitter, helps you to connect with your followers by letting you post things with 140 characters and using hashtags to group and connect people with the same topics in mind. LinkedIn is like Facebook, but instead of posting things about your personal life, you post things about your professional life. LinkedIn helps you to connect with people professionally to increase your networks and is basically an online profile of your resume. Last, YouTube connects people through videos. By watching videos of "you-tubers' you are basically connecting with them and their interest. The videos not just connect you with the poster of the videos but also people who have also watched the video. You can do so but going to the comment section of the video and leaving a comment to express yourself or discuss things with people. All four of these social networking sites share the same general purpose; to connect. 

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